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«La vérité est plus étrange que la fiction, mais c'est parce que la fiction se doit de respecter la vraisemblance. La vérité n'a pas à le faire. "


               Mark Twain


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction has to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. "


                       Mark Twain

Welcome on my website!


If you are looking for fantasy tales without clichés, you are in the right place. 

Yes, you might find urban fantasy, steampunk, epic fantasy, even paranormal romance. 

However, these tales do not work as usual. Magic artifacts are delivered without any user manual. The prophecies are hard to interpret and subject to discussion and controversy. The chosen ones are usually chosen for the wrong reasons and magic powers are poisoned gifts. Finally men can be tall, or dark, or handsome, but rarely in the right combination. 




                                                                                                                Alex Evans


Magic has awakened after centuries of absence, causing panic and controversy.

Professor Adrienne Imlay, raised in the decaying streets of the once magic city of Gandarah, hides both her magic gift and her knowledge of ancient artifacts. When unexpected fame draws her into the limelight, she has to face a string of unexpected events: a series of thefts in her lab, the disappearance of a colleague, the arrival of a mysterious foreign scientist, and finally, an unsanctioned research project going way beyond her worst nightmares.

Assisted by unlikely allies and armed with little more than a railway timetable, she sets out to stop this scheme. But as the lines between magic and science blur, she discovers that both worlds operate by their own set of rules.

The most critical of all is: everything has a price.